Friday, January 12, 2018

All you need to know about digital marketing to get started

Digital Marketing In Nutshell


Introduction To Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is any form of marketing products or services, which involves electronic devices.

Digital marketing can be done both online and offline.

And both the kinds are important.

Why Does Digital Marketing Matter?

Remember Billboards?


Its impact is decreasing day by day and by 2020 it will completely dead. At present 11% of all drivers are on the phone one way or another (texting or calling), at any given moment during daylight hours, how can we think billboards have a future? The share of people spending more time using electronic devices is only going up from here. With People spending 11+ hours on electronic devices every single day, there’s not much left until we spend ALL our time in the digital world.   

Offline marketing has its place as well.  

Groups of digital marketing

The 2 big groups of digital marketing are online and offline.   

The 7 big categories of online marketing are:   


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Content Marketing Social Media Marketing (SMM) Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) Affiliate Marketing Email Marketing

The 4 categories of offline marketing are:

Enhanced Offline Marketing

Electronic Billboards Digital Product Demos Digital Product Samples Radio Marketing  

Radio Commercials

Show Sponsorship TV Marketing  

TV Commercials

Tele-shopping Super Bowl Commercials  

Phone Marketing

Cold Calling Text Message Marketing (giveaways, coupons, loyalty programs) QR Codes   Do you promote your brand online? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.

How to make money with Facebook instantly using the proven methods: Free and Paid Methods

Free and Paid Methods to make money with Facebook  

Making money with Facebook is just another method of the million methods on the internet to make money online. I will try to explain this method in an easy way so even a newbie on Facebook can start making money from day one. This method does not require a single penny investment. It just requires you to be aware, quick and use common sense. Anybody can start it and can see results instantly. You can scale up this method just by working an hour daily. 

I will go step by step so you don’t miss anything and understand it completely. 

These methods revolve around selling products on Facebook groups without spending even a dime. But how to identify such groups and start making money on these Facebook groups?

So here we go, step by step money making methods for Facebook

Method 1: Zero Investment Method

Choose a product to sell. It can be your product if you are a businessman or if you are a student or into a job and do not have your own product then you can hand pick a few products online and start selling it right now.

Effective sources to choose products to promote and sell on a Facebook group and page

Sell Affiliate Products- You must be surfing and buying things on merchant sites like Amazon, E-bay, Flipkart, Snapdeal etc. But only Internet Marketers know how to make money with these e-commerce websites just by using their basic knowledge in digital marketing. Here I will share how anyone even without any previous internet marketing experience can earn a lot of money just by working a few hours daily. 

Become an affiliate marketer and sell on Facebook group and page

Almost all e-commerce sites have a program called an affiliate program. They use this program to sell their products through the affiliates. Under this program, anyone who is going to sell their products will get paid a handful commission on every purchase from these e-commerce sites.  You can easily join any affiliate program and become an affiliate marketer. The best one is Amazon. You can join it here. However, you can go with your own speed and join more affiliate programs. It is up to you to work hard and scale it up.

When you will apply for an affiliate program, most of them will ask a website link from you. This is to check how you will get traffic to sell products. If you own a website you will be approved but in case you don’t own a website then just put a link of any of your Facebook page. If you don’t have a page just put or and fill all other details. You will be approved and instantly get the affiliate link to various products to promote and sell online. However, you only get verified and paid once you make your first sale. So don’t wait for making your first sale. Use the following method I am going to share now.

click to view larger image: Amazon affiliate approval message

There are millions of products on Amazon to choose from. Choose a product of your interest and get your affiliate link that you will promote on the Facebook group and page. 

click to view larger image: Get started window -here you choose a product to promote
Now your job is just to post these affiliate links in profitable Facebook groups. You can choose Text only, image only or image and text both kind of link to promote. Make sure it should be appealing enough to encourage people to click on it because; you only make your commission when people buy it. 

How to find and select groups related to your interest. 

You might already have a group related to your niche. However, it works best when you post on multiple groups. You don’t need to own all groups but you must be a member of these groups to post on. You can search for such groups on Facebook and also on Google by searching for buy and sell group, resell group, buy and sell used/refurbished products group, etc. 

Do read the terms and conditions of groups before putting your affiliate link. Some groups don’t allow it. In this case, you have to act creatively. In this case, post appealing banners that encourage other group members to ask you about the source where they can buy it. Now, you can easily put your link in the comment box or message them privately. Do watch other people posts and their comments. You can get an opportunity there also to promote your link. The more you try, easy it becomes. Go at your own pace but stay consistent. 

click to view larger image: Choose the type of FB page closely related to your product
The same process you can apply for promoting on pages. Many Facebook pages are open for public comments and posts. You have to just find the one and start implementing it right away. Watch for comments people inquiring or demanding for a product. It’s better to put your link in the comment. By this, you are not spamming and are at the safer side or sometimes admin can block you. 

Still confused about what to sell?

If you still confused what to sell, as a gift for you I am sharing a few products which can convert easily for you. You can sell any product or service in relevant groups. To start with you can go with electronic devices, gadgets, and its accessories. Health-related items like the supplements, medicines, and tonics do sell easily. You can also sell your services in which you are excelling at. Like, if you're a good designer, you can sell high priced logos, video animations etc. If you are an HR Recruiter you can pitch in various HR related groups about your expertise and get a handsome freelancing job. Believe me, there are plenty of people looking to buy your service. You just have to get in the right groups. 

Try targeting groups related to your services and try targeting foreign customers because they pay high. Try posting as and when you are free and increase your activity in special days like festive seasons, black Friday, thank you day, valentine day and many other you can search it on Google. 

Like any online method, this method also requires patience and consistency. You may not get your sales in the first one or two days. It doesn’t mean this method doesn’t work. Keep trying, use other products, target other groups and rebuild a new strategy. It will surely work. It is a proven method and a lot of people are making money through this method. 

Method 2: Requires a little investment i.e. paid advertisement 

If you are a businessman not using Facebook paid advertisement then you are probably losing a lot of money. With paid Advertise on Facebook, you can create brand awareness to promote products and make decent sales. For it, you create a business Facebook page and put links to all your product site page and special offers. Then just by spending a few bucks, you can boost your Facebook page related to services, offers, and products by targeting potential customers who are interested in your services. 

Now Facebook is providing many calls to action depending upon the type of advertisement campaign's objective you choose while promoting your page. You can try different actions as per your need and requirement. 

click to view larger image: Choose the call to action closely related to your campaign objective
Direct Method: This is a very generic method of promoting your services to people who are already your friends on Facebook or following you. You must be already using this technique. Now I am adding a few tips by which you can make it more effective and profitable. 

Start # tagging your post related to services. Use only one tag per product to group similar tags in the same place. 

Create events and call like-minded and interested people and share your new services launch and its features.

Put queries and ‘ask me anything’ sessions in your group to engage people. Engage people are easily converted into customers. Open discussion and respond one to one all queries raised during session or events.

Use the go-live feature and promote your business by showing features, reviews, and new offers to attract potential customers.

Now you might have doubt about how to get your Facebook posts seen by more people!


These are a few guidelines which can surely help get more people to acknowledge your post:

#1 Facebook is giving certain topics more priority if a user is already spending time on similar content

That means if a user is surfing topics relate to education, he will get more relevant ads and posts related to education. Facebook also saves the search and surfing history of a user by storing cookies and uses it to display relevant topics as per the interest of the user. So as an advertiser, when you boost your business page or related post always make appealing and interesting content that encourages people to like and share your content. 

#2 Facebook would like to show the content of as many different sources as possible 

That is Facebook doesn’t like spam. It will boost your links when you put it for once or twice in a day. When you post the same link on a page more than twice, chances are Facebook will not display it in the newsfeed. So be at safer side by just putting single link per post per group per day or put an attractive poster and then put links in comments while responding to a user’s inquiry.

#3 Facebook loves to have as many different types of content as possible

That means Facebooks loves creativity but not spam. Present your ads in different variations keeping the optimum size. Use picture image more often than core text. As now Facebook is allowing the only image in a post to boost. Use text only in the description for the best results. 

#4 Facebook is giving users the control over their timeline

It is not only Facebook but users also who hate spam. If you post the same material repeatedly on a single group, people will start unfollowing your posts. Facebook keeps an eye on user experience what they like or promote. If people do not like your post then high chances are that Facebook will decrease visibility or even can delete it from the newsfeed. So always work for real humans. Facebook is just a tool which is now smart enough to smell people’s taste and interest. 

These are the few best practices that you can use to promote and attain high conversions on Facebook. 

Start implementing it right now and stay ahead in the neck to neck competition. 

If you need any help in implementing these methods, feel free to contact me by leaving your message in comment box below or use the contact form

Do share your experience, results or if you have any other effective method to make money with Facebook in the comment box below. 

The secret of digital marketing: Learn how to plan effectively to achieve your digital marketing goals from a spider!

digital marketing

Remember movies Spider (2002), Spider-Man (2002) and its subsequent sequels and related comics series! These movies are the office-box blockbusters while comics are the best sellers. Key people responsible for such types of scripts had a strong instinct for the spider, which leads them to cast intuitively creative works. Similarly, we can learn from a spider to achieve our digital marketing goals, provided we act natural, follow our instinct and believe in our intuition. The natural habit, that spider follows to eat its prey, is analogous to digital marketing plans. Every entrepreneur should try to execute it.

Spider forecasts plans and attracts potential feed strategically

The way spider designs its entire web to attract various insects, sends very clear and effective message to its prospects that would get trapped and convert into prey. Spider devotes immense time and strategy in building the web that pulls other critters automatically.

Likewise, online businesses should also devote their maximum effort strategically to build a marketing plan, which sends effective and valuable information to a maximum number of people, who are most specifically fit. The website plays a vital role in sending complete information about the services and products to people who visit the website. Inside a website, keywords, Title Tag, Description Tag, Page Content and Link Building are the crucial factors to enable its presence on Search Engine Results Page. Email campaigns, search engine marketing (SEM) through search engine optimization (SEO), social media optimization (SMO) and pay per click (PPC) are the fastest and effective online marketing tools that are used to pull maximum traffic.

Spider has the ability to convert a maximum number of traps into prey

Spider’s silk is made up of biological materials that have the highest tensile strength and toughness yet are quite stretchy in nature. The spider weaves sticky and non-sticky silk and avoids getting tangled in its own net by walking on the sticky silk, but this sticky silk doesn’t allow the victim to escape anyway. More it tries to escape; more it is trapped in it. This creative web design is comprehensive and lucrative in nature as it converts a maximum number of trapped insects into prey for the spider.

Following the same plan, businesses should mold their websites like a spider web. It will entice and compel maximum numbers of newcomers to visit the website again and again to explore the services. Availability of freebies in the form of the link to download, webinars, educational newsletters, etc after filling out the contact form by visitors will convert them into a potential lead.

Spider first kills its prey with poise then eats with pleasure

Spider first captures its prey and injects its venom by piercing through its fangs in a delicate part of the body. Then it leaves its prey to get paralyzed or killed. This avoids any chance of struggle and provides spider the leisure time to feast on the prey with pleasure.

Similarly, online businesses should try to transform leads into clients by delivering them automated or customized series of emails with useful and relevant contents, consultations and free trial services. This will truly build trust with prospects and help them in making the final decision. A positive result in a form of a lead turned client brings a moment of delight and happiness. These well-satisfied clients spread the word of mouth and keep on promoting, expanding your business by adding sparkles to your sales.

Thus, we can see that many characteristics of a spider resemble an agile businessman. Yearning entrepreneurs should imbibe these qualities into their personality development. Spider works creatively towards its goals with persistence and perseverance, without fearing competition. It acts wisely while choosing its prey and take calculated risks. It is adaptable to maximum places, but still a go getter and moves to new places when circumstances are not approving. They are quick and good in decision making.

Now, we get the idea, that how naturally spiders teach us about intuitive and creative ways of doing internet marketing, besides being nature’s true friend by controlling our ecosystem.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Common body postures that you should avoid during Interview to increase your chance for selection (Pictures)

Forbes has released 11 body postures that are counted as mistakes during a job interview. Let's understand these interview mistakes in detail and try not to repeat next time in an interview. 

Avoiding these job interview body postures will yield a good body language that can well interpret and understood by Interviewer, thus increasing a chance of your selection in the job. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The most asked SAP HR Interview Questions (Business Processes in HCM)


SAP HR Interview Questions |Business Processes in HCM| Part B

  Hope You found Part A of SAP HR Interview Questions on Business Processes in HCM helpful while preparing for your SAP HCM Interview questions. Here in this post we are adding 26 most asked SAP HCM interview questions as Part B, which is an addition to existing 25 questions on Business Processes in SAP HR. It is highly recommended that you read Part A before reading this post. Click here to read Part A.   

1. What are the most important processes in the HR department? The HR is the most important division for any organization. The processes of the HR department are employee administration, payroll, legal reporting of efficiency, and agreements with the changing global and local regulations.  
2. List the most important structures in HR. Following are the important structures in HR
  • Enterprise
  • Personnel
  • Organization
  • Pay Scale
  • Wage type
3. What is Employee Self-Service (ESS)? ESS facilitates the employees of an organization to create, view, and change the data anytime and anywhere, with the help of various technologies. It provides employees with an employee-centric portal to enable them to access and modify the information required for their jobs. For example, employees can manage their home address and emergency contacts.  

4. List the functions required to select an Infotype. Following are the functions required to select an Infotype:
  • Create/INS
  • Delete
  • Delimit
  • Lock/Unlock
5. How do you hire a new employee? A new employee is hired with the PA40 transaction code. After that, all the Infotypes are maintained for the employee by using the PA30 transaction code.  

6. Name the modules available in SAP R/3 for professional users. The following modules are available in SAP R/3 for professional users:
  • Advanced Planner and Optimizer
  • Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM)
7. What object does a qualification catalog contain? A qualification catalog consists of two objects: qualification groups and qualifications.  

8. What are the goals of SAP initiative? The goals of SAP initiative are given as follows:
  • Providing an easy to learn, use, and customize software.
  • Extending the reach of SAP by bringing more role specific scenarios
9. What does a profile match-up means? A profile match-up means:
  • Matching the qualification of an applicant with the requirements of a position
  • Matching the profile of an applicant with the requirements of a position
  • Generating the training proposals from a qualification deficit.
10. Which architecture does the SAP system use? The SAP system uses the three-tier-architecture.

11. What happens when a user accesses a transaction in the SAP R/3 system? When a user accesses a transaction in the SAP R/3 system, the following tasks are performed:
  • Executes a query in Structured Query Language (SQL) from the application level to the database level
  • Transfers data from the relational database to the front end system
  • Converts the data from one consistent state to another
  • Updates the database when data is entered using the transactions
12. How are business objects maintained in SAP? Business objects are maintained in the Business Object Repository.   Recommended Reading

SAP HR Interview Questions on Business Processes in HCM: Part A- Click Here

13. How is a business object characterized in SAP? A business object has the following characteristics in SAP:
  • Attributes
  • Methods/Application Programs
14. What tasks can be performed at the attendee level in the dynamic attendance menu? In the dynamic attendance menu, you can perform the following tasks:
  • Book an attendance
  • Replace an attendance
15. What is the use of a Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI)? The following are the uses of BAPI
  • Provides an interface that integrates third party applications or components with SAP R/3
  • Provides an interface between a business and a method
16. What are the different processes involved in an appraisal? The different processes involved in an appraisal are as follows:
  • Prepare an appraisal
  • Perform an appraisal
  • Complete an appraisal
17. What are the functions performed by BAPI? The following functions are performed by BAPI
  • Create objects
  • Display attributes of objects
  • Change attributes of objects
18. What is the use of Application Link Enabling (ALE)? ALE performs the following functions:
  • Distribute data, master data, and transaction data across different systems
  • Refers to an enterprise structure, which is the combination of centralized and decentralized tasks
  • Provides support for the implementation and operation of distributed SAP applications
  • Exchanges data using Intermediate Documents (IDocs)
19. What are the main functions of Project IMG? The main functions of Project IMG are given as follows:
  • Create an IMG for each project
  • Maintains project documentation
  • Maintains project management status
  • Maintains cross project documentation
20. What do you mean by Go Live in SAP? Go Live in SAP
  • Tests whether the system is suitably configured before they go live
  • Tests whether the configuration matches with the client requirement or not
21. What are the main components of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module? The CRM module has the following functions:
  • Capturing customer data across the enterprise in a central database
  • Analyzing the customer data and distribute the results to the contact points where the customer can be contacted
  • Providing solutions that enable companies to effectively manage customer relationships throughout the entire life-cycle
22. What are the components of Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO)? Following are the components of APO in SAP:
  • Global available to Promise (ATP)
  • Supply Network Planning
  • Supply Chain Cock Pit
23. What Infotypes are used in Compensation Management? The following Infotypes are used in Compensation Management:
  • Salary Survey Results
  • Planned Compensation
  • Job Evaluation Results
24. What Infotypes are used in Travel Management? The following Infotypes are used in Travel Management:
  • Actions
  • Organizational Assignment
  • Personal Data
  • Travel Privileges
  • Payroll Status
25. What are the basic characteristics of the Organization Management module? The Organization Management module has the following characteristics:
  • Uses flow
  • Uses relationships between objects
  • Creates additional characteristics for objects
26. What are the main components of the compensation management? Compensation management has the following components:
  • Job Pricing
  • Job evaluations
  • Budgeting
  • Compensation administration
While we are compiling more quality HR Interview Questions from all spectrum of HR, we look forward to hear how you find this blog post. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment box below. Don't forget to share the articles with your friends and colleagues. wish you a quality reading!

Incredible facts on Ancient India to rejuvenate your General Knowledge

Facts about Ancient India

India History is classified into three broad categories: Ancient, Medieval and Modern.


Indus Valley Civilization

The development of Indus Valley Civilization is the most important event of ancient Indian history. This civilization wad developed on the banks of river Indus. It extends from Jammu in the north to Ahmednagar in the south, and in various regions of Gujarat. The main sites which have been found in the excavation are Kalibangan in Rajasthan, Lothal in Gujarat, Banwali in Haryana and Ropar in Punjab. Indus Valley Civilization period lies between 3000 BC and 1500 BC. The main cities associated with are Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, and Lothal. The main features of this civilization are the town planning. They had a great building, well-planned roads, cities, and drainage system. Hunting and agriculture were their main sources of livelihood. They were the first to produce cotton.

A. Vedic Period

This is marked by the entry of Aryans, who were originally inhabitants of Central Asia around the Caspian Sea and probably came through Hindukush mountains. The period lies between 2500-2000 BC. The main feature of Aryans was – They were the admirers of nature and worshiped sun, fire, and water. Yagna was an important part of their religion. They had organized a system of living and were quite matured socially and politically. They had following religious books:
1. Vedas
These books were their most sacred books. These are the oldest known books of Indus Valley Civilization. They were four in number, viz. Rig Veda- The oldest and contained prayers of God, Vayu, Varun, Indra and Agni Sam Veda- It dealt with music. Yajur Veda- It dealt with formulae and rituals. Atharva Veda- It dealt with medicines.
2. The Purana
The Puranas were 18 in number and contained details of Aryan Civilization like their rituals, traditions, and formulae.
3. The Upanishads
They are the main source of Indian Philosophy and are 300 in number. The Brahmans and Aranyakas are the other important religious books of Aryans.

B. The Later Vedic Period

This period ranges from 2000-700 BC. The important features of this period are: It is also known as the period of Brahmanical Age which is very near to modern-day, Hindu religion. Society which was in Hindu divided into four castes (a) Brahmins, (b) Kshatriyas, (c) Vaisyas, and (d) Sudras, depending on the work they did in the mentioned order of preference. [caption id="attachment_335" align="alignnone" width="638"] Caste system in India taken from the ancient India | Image Source[/caption] Brahmins were the priestly class, Kshatriyas were the fighter, Vaisyas were the business class, and Sudras represented the labor class. Two great epics and Shastras were written in this period, namely Mahabharata by Ved Vyas and Ramayana by Maharishi Valmiki. The Shastras dealt with Indian philosophy and concepts of birth, death, and God.

C. Rise of religion (other than Hinduism)

Initiated by a Kshatriya prince of Shakya Clan, Siddhartha, (later came to be known as Buddha) around 6th century BC, who was born at Lumbini (in Nepal) near Kapilvastu. He was the son of King Shuddhodhana, He went in search of truth and attained enlightenment under a papal tree at Bodh Gaya, and delivered his first sermons at Sarnath in U.P. He spread his message of many years and died at Kushinagar in U.P. There are many sects of Buddhism out of which three are important: Mahayan (the higher vehicle) – It believes Buddha to be a God Hinman (the lesser Vehicle) – It does not believe that Buddha was a God. It is a more pristine form of Buddhism. Vajrayan- It is the tantric form of Buddhism. Now prevalent in Ladakh and Bhutan. Buddhism got divided into Hinyan and Mahayan at the fourth Buddhist council held during the reign of Harshavardhan. The main Buddhist teachings are: The eight-fold path of right faith, thought, action, livelihood, efforts, speech, remembrance and concentration. Belief in Nirvana (freedom from the cycle of birth and death), Ahimsa, the law of karma.
Founded by Rishabha (a Kshatriya), Jainism attained peak under Vardhamana Mahavira (the 24th Tirthankara). Mahavira was born was born at Kundagrama in 540 BC in Bihar, and attained perfect knowledge, ‘Kaivalya,' after he becomes ascetic at the age of 30. He became a ‘Jina’ one who has conquered happiness and misery) and died at Pava near Rajgiri. Jainism is also divided into two sects, viz., digambars and shwetambara. Former is a more pristine form and remain naked, while latter, wear white clothes. The main feature of Jainism are: The tri-ratna concept, consisting of (a) right knowledge, (b) right faith, (c) right conduct. Belief in Karma and belief in Ahimsa, are the other two great teachings of this religion. [table id=1 /] Hope you liked the detailed information on ancient India. In the next post, we will discuss medieval India.

A dive into Medieval India - General Knowledge Approach

Medieval India

Indian history can be classified into three broad categories, Ancient, Medieval and Modern. In the last post, we discussed Ancient India and Indus valley civilization detail. Now, we are discussing medieval history.


Marked by the beginning of Delhi, which was established after the conquest of Muhammad Ghouri. The period of Sultanate of Delhi ranges from AD 1206-1526. This is considered as the beginning of Muslim rule in India. India in this period is called Medieval India.

Important Dynasties in Medieval India

1. The Slave Dynasty
The Slave Dynasty’s period ranges from AD 1206-1290. It was founded by Qutub-ud-din Aibek, and the prominent rulers of this dynasty were Iltutmish and the only Muslim woman ruler of India, Razia Sultana.
2. The Khilji dynasty
It was founded by Jalal-Ud-din Khilji and its period ranges from AD 1290-1320. Alaud-din Khilji was one of the most prominent rulers of this dynasty.
3. The Tughlaq dynasty
It was founded by Ghiasuddin Tughlak and the period ranges from AD 1320-1414. Ibn Batuta was an important African traveler who visited India in 1333.
4. The Lodhi Dynasty
It was founded by Bahlol Lodhi and the period of the dynasty ranges from AD 1451-1526. Sikander and Ibrahim Lodhi were the other two prominent rulers belonging to this dynasty.
5. The Mughal Dynasty
One of the most important dynasties of India is Mughal dynasty, which reigned almost continuously from AD 1526-1857 (the longest period).

Important Rulers of Mughal Dynasty:

1. Babur
He is credited with the foundation of Mughal empire by defeating Ibrahim Lodhi in the first battle of Panipat on April 20, 1526.
2. Humayun
He was the next emperor of Mughal empire after Babur.
3. Akbar
The most successful of Mughal emperor. An excellent leader, who separated religion and politics, started a new religion called Din-e-Ilahi.
4. Jehangir
 The son of Akbar, who ascended the throne after Akbar’s death, known for his administration and strict sense of justice. He was the husband of famous Noor Jahan Begum.
5. Shah Jahan
Famous ruler and son of Jehangir, who built Taj Mahal at Agra, in the memory of his wife, Mumtaj Mahal. Jama Masjid and red Fort are the other two famous buildings that were built by him.
6. Aurangzeb
A very cruel ruler and son of Shah Jahan, who demolished several religious structures of Hindus, and ruled for about 50 years. Mughal Empire started declining with the attack of Nadir Shah who took the famous Kohinoor diamond with him to Afghanistan. Then came the Marathas who became powerful under the leadership of Shivaji. Name of Fame: Sher Shah Suri [caption id="attachment_353" align="aligncenter" width="210"] Sher Shah Suri | Image Source[/caption] He was a brilliant administrator who issued the coins and built the famous Grand Trunk Road from Peshawar to Calcutta.
Important monuments built by Mughal in Medieval India:
1. Shalimar garden and Nishant Bagh by Jehangir
2. Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Jama Masjid, Agra Fort by Shah Jahan